
Welcome Patrons of The Cliched Tavern!

You and your party exit the dungeon. Dragging your ally who triggered a paralyzing trap on the last door behind you on a stretcher you threw together out of poles a sheet and ropes. You finally can see the town in the distance. Your party’s mood changes as you pick up the pace. You enter the town, the only building with lights left on is a small old tavern on the far side of the block. The tavern looks old and worn. Shingles are missing on the roof, and some of the paint is peeled back on the walls. You enter the tavern and look around. There is a large bald man behind the counter, polishing glasses. Next to the bar is a large board full of papers. Some look old and torn, others new with fresh finger smudges of dirt on them. As you approach the man, he bellows..
“Welcome to The Cliched Tavern my friends!”