
Welcome Patrons of The Cliched Tavern!

You and your party exit the dungeon. Dragging your ally who triggered a paralyzing trap on the last door behind you on a stretcher you threw together out of poles a sheet and ropes. You finally can see the town in the distance. Your party’s mood changes as you pick up the pace. You enter the town, the only building with lights left on is a small old tavern on the far side of the block. The tavern looks old and worn. Shingles are missing on the roof, and some of the paint is peeled back on the walls. You enter the tavern and look around. There is a large bald man behind the counter, polishing glasses. Next to the bar is a large board full of papers. Some look old and torn, others new with fresh finger smudges of dirt on them. As you approach the man, he bellows..
“Welcome to The Cliched Tavern my friends!”

Just Me Being Racist… Half Orcs!

Hello patrons! It has been awhile with me being on my sabbatical. This weekend I will be starting my DnD quests covering the span of October. I will put them up eventually, but am in no rush to do so. 😉 or else it would not be a sabbatical. But here we are, the last race from the player’s handbook, the Half-Orc. Half-Orcs are the strong people of the wild. They are not as wild as their full blood orc ancestors, however, they do still retain some of that wildness in them. When they are around their own kind they tend to take charge, the human side making them a more superior orc. Some of the half-orcs choose to live among humans and seek greatness through deeds of might. More often than not, half-orcs live around orcs. Because of this they tend to have scars on their bodies from fights and other things. Half-orcs either show their scars with pride or hide them in shame depending on how they got them.

half orc bouncer. has sign on door that  says "weapons will be" and has two attempts at spelling confiscated crossed out. "taken away" is written very large at the bottom of the sign

Based on their gruff look, and their obvious orc heritage, most people do not like them or trust them. Of all the races, humans are usually the only who accept them in their cities, but only in the slums.

Traits and Bonuses

Half-orcs get +2 strength and +1 to constitution. Their speed is 30 feet and have darkvision.


Half-orcs have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Relentless Endurance

Once per a long rest, when you are dropped to 0 hit points, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. This does not work it you are killed outright (negative your max hit points).

Savage Attacks

When you score a critical hit on a melee attack, roll one extra damage dice and add it to the extra damage on the critical hit.


Half-orcs can speak, write, and read Common and Orc. Orc is harsh sounding language, and has no script itself.

Good Race/ Class Combinations

The obvious class choice is going to be the fighter. Paladins and rangers are also some good choices as well. However, I like to make my characters a bit odd at times and try a weird combination.

My Opinion

Half-orcs are great fighters. I do not usually play half-orcs but they are a good choice for those who like them. I have seen some very successful half-orc fighters tear apart foes in battle.

Just Me Being Racist… Gnomes!

This week we are looking at the inquisitive little folk, gnomes. As I mentioned in the Tavern Post this week, prior to Dungeons and Dragons, the gnomes I had seen/heard of were usually rude or even evil (I think that may have been from Goosebumps as a kid?).Gnome Wizard
However, the gnomes in Dungeons and Dragons are the exact opposite. Gnomes are happy to be alive. They love to learn, invent, create, and (especially) play. Gnomes live around 350 to 500 years, and they worry that even if they stay extra busy every day that they cannot see all there is to see even with that long life they have. Gnomes also talk as fast as they live. Often to the point there words cannot keep up with their minds. They also love to play. Whether it be games, or pranks (mild or harsh), they enjoy laughing at most anything funny.


Gnomes have 2 subraces: forest and rock gnomes. Forest gnomes are quicker on their feet and are stealthier than their rock brethren. They also have a knack for illusions and this his how they keep hidden in plain sight. Forest gnomes are good-hearted folk who view elves as their most important allies. Forest gnomes have access to the minor illusion cantrip naturally and also have the ability to communicate simple ideas to small (or smaller) beasts. They will often keep small animals as pets.

Rock Gnomes are the inventors and innovators. They are hardier than other gnomes. Rock gnomes get to add their proficiency bonus twice when making a history check on magic, alchemical, or technological devices. They also have the ability to tinker. As a tinkerer you can make small object for you to play with. You can make a clockwork toy, a fire starter(lighter), or music box. You can have up to three gadgets active at a time and after 24 hours must either spend 1 hour repairing each gadget or take dismantle it.
gnome tinkering

Traits and Bonuses

Based on this information, gnomes appear to be the most intelligent of creatures because they are always seeking more knowledge. This lines up with their ability score bonus of +2 intelligence. Forest gnomes get +1 dexterity while rock gnomes get +1 constitution. Gnomes, along with halflings, make up the only two starting races that are not medium size. Because of their small size they only have a speed of 25. They also have darkvision.

Gnome Cunning

Gnomes have advantage on all intelligence, charisma, and wisdom saving throws against magic.


Gnomes are able to speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish. Gnomish is similar to Dwarvish script, however, Gnomish is highly technical and most technical guides and catalogs of nature are written in Gnomish.

Good Race/Class Combinations

Lore wise, Gnomes would make great druids or wizards. Stat wise they are best for wizards, but can be used for any class that need dexterity as a higher score. However, I have played a game where we had a gnome barbarian how was able to maul most enemies in his path. With his little gnomish rages.

My Opinion

As a Software Dev. grad. major, the concept of always trying to find a new way to do things in the world and tinkering trying to make something new really speak to me. Because of this, I find the gnomes very intriguing (as they would our innovations). Normally, I urge to try something different, but normally even I will stick with a wizard rock gnome or a druid forest gnome.

The Tavern Post 9/23/15

Updates To The Site

I did some reorganizing of the front page of the site. I added the content from the D&D and LOTRLCG resources pages to the widget bar to the right (>) or below for mobile viewers/ screen reader viewers. I did this so information will be easier to find no matter the post you enter the website at.

Just Me Being Racist

We are officially down to 2 races left from the Player’s Handbook: Gnomes and Half-Orcs. This week we are going to be looking at gnomes! The other little people. Gnomes in Dungeons and Dragons lore are a bit different then the ones I was used to prior to playing D&D. The gnomes I knew of were evil, or maybe just rude and mean.. either way they were not like the ones in D&D.

Play-Through Party

This week we are going to be delving into the cleric. The main healing class in Dungeons and Dragons. These are basically the army doctors of the D&D world. They run out onto the field trying to save those who are dying and healing the hurt along the way. Do not fret though if someone crosses paths with one of these guys, they are more than capable at defending themselves and their allies.

Review: Exploding Kittens (NSFW version)

exploding kitten cloud
It has been awhile since we have had a review, but this weekend we got a new game, Exploding Kittens! Exploding kittens is like Russian Roulette, except with kittens on cards. I for one was quite excited to get the game after coming across it on Amazon and then looking it up to see how it is played. It is a card game for 2 to 5 players and takes about 15 minutes per game to play. If you want to play with more people an extra deck of cards can be combined and it can support up to 8 players.

The Goal of the Game

Exploding Kittens is an easy game to play. The box does say it takes 2 minutes to learn, which I will say is not entirely accurate. However, if it takes more than 10 minutes to explain the game to 4 new players, you are doing something wrong. Each player takes turns playing and drawing cards. If you draw an exploding kitten, you die. If you are the last person left at the table, you win.

How It Is Played

You start by taking out all of the defuses and exploding kitten cards from the deck. You then shuffle rest of the cards. Every person at the table gets 1 defuse card, then everyone is dealt four cards. Then you set up your exploding kittens. To determine the number of exploding kittens, it will be the number of players minus 1. So for a four player game, there will be three exploding kittens. Take your exploding kittens and your extra defuse and shuffle those into the deck of cards. Smack the deck of cards in the center of the table and decide who goes first.

On your turn you can do 2 things. Exploding Kittens box 1. Play cards. You can play as many cards as you want a turn. You can also collect pairs of cards. If you play a pair of cards (will discuss card types below) you get to pick a random card from another player’s hand. If you get 3 of a kind, you get to name a random card type in the person’s hand. If you name it right, you get the card, if you are wrong, then you get nothing.
2. You draw a card. You do this at the end of your turn instead of the beginning of your turn like in other games. You will keep going in this order until one player is left alive.

Card Types

  • Exploding Kittens. It is all in the name. Kittens that kill.
  • Defuse. The only way to stop an exploding kitten from going BOOM!
  • Nope. Allows you to cancel the last card played, except exploding kittens and defuses. If another player throws down a Nope on a different Nope just played it becomes a Yup.
  • Attack. These cards skip your draw phase. The person after you must now take 2 full turns.
  • Skip. Skip your turn.
  • See The Future. Look at the top 3 cards of the deck. Do not rearrange them or show them to anyone else.
  • Shuffle. Allows you to shuffle the deck of cards.
  • Favor. Pick a player. That player must give you a card from their hand. They get to choose the card.
  • Cats (5 different kinds). There will be 5 different cat cards, depending on the version you get will depend on the 5 cats. There will be 4 of each.

My Opinion

4 = Captivating

I really like Exploding Kittens. It is a short, light, party game. It also has a lot of replay value as well. There are subtle hints of strategy for those who enjoy making things more difficult than they should, and it is easy enough that I am pretty sure it could even be played drunk. You can find it on Amazon for relatively cheap.

Now, this game says it can be played with 2 to 5 players. I do not think this game would be fun with 2 players. I will have to give it a try to see if it is. However, after player with 4 players I think that the recommended players should be between 3 and 5. The reason this game got a 4 from me is because that after playing a few times that day, I was good with moving onto the next game. As a light game, we should want to play this until the big game is out or until game time is done. With that said, it is still a great game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and I find the artwork stupid (in a good way) and funny.


Guess what, this game is 100% accessible. I sat down with my wife and we Brailled the entire game in about 10 minutes.

Play-Through Party #8: The Wizard

For this week’s play-through we are showing off the wizard. I made a wizard awhile back, that I decided to use for this play-through. He is a forest gnome wizard. He is an ex-criminal who changed his name after leaving that lifestyle to Ser Reginald III. He also came up with a pretty lengthy backstory about his family and how he was born a noble. He is almost level 3 at this point in the game and has taken on the necromancer school at level 2.

The last quest he was in, he and his dragonborn friend had finished their last round in an arena in a large town far in the north. They were given a decent lump sum of gold each and were given a small shack on the edge of town. This is their “base of operations.”

“Ser Reginald III walked along the road from their little shack they had won. “The seasons are on the edge of change,” he thought to himself as he could feel cold on the air. The little gnome continued down the road. He passed a few farms and not much else. He was looking ahead at the trees in front of him.

As he neared the forest he could hear two steps of foot steps behind him(stealth = 10. passive perception = 11). He could tell that they were trying to be quiet, but it was to no avail versus his keen ears. He mentally checked the spells he had prepared to himself, “Mage armor….Magic Missle….Ray of Sickness… hmm… Surely they do not know that I know they are there yet, tis too soon..” he thought to himself. He decides to play along for awhile. He continues walking along the path, whistling a tune his actual father taught him as a young boy.

He finally was within ranch of the trees. As he entered the tree line, he ducked around a tree and and held out his hand in preparation with 3 glowing white balls floating around his hand (he readied magic missle). Out from around the tree comes two men in dark robes. The three orbs shoot out in white streaks at the first robed man. Each bolt strikes him in the chest dropping him instantly, dealing him 14 damage.”

Roll Initiative
Acolyte = 10
Ser Reginald III = 9

The acolyte raises his hands above his head and a fire drops down on Ser Reginald’s head (failed dex save). The fire hits him square on the top of his head dealing 3 damage. Ser Reginald forms a green ball in his hand and hurls it at the acolyte who swiftly dodges it (succeeded dex save).

The acolyte calls down that radiant flame again on Ser Reginald. Again, he is too slow as it hits him in the head (failed dex save). Ser Reginald III holds his hand forward and a small beam of white energy flows from his hand leaving snow on the ground between the two and hits the man square in the abdomen (11 + 6). The Ray of Frost chills the man to the bone and deals him 6 damage.

“The acolyte lays his staff on the ground and raises his hands in surrender. “Stop.. I’m done. No more.” the robed man says. Ser Reginald III looks at the man puzzled for a moment then replies, “Why would you stop? You’re friend is dead. Would you not finish the job to avenge him?” The robed man kicks his staff towards Ser Reginald to show he means his surrender. “Let me take his body.. give ’em a nice burial..yeah?” “Why did you follow me? Who sent you?” The acolyte walks over towards his fallen comrade and props the body up against the tree. “We were not sent… we just thought you an easy target ’tis all.” he said. Ser Reginald can tell there is more to what this man is saying but cannot place a finger on it (Insight DC = 15. Roll = 9). The man shoulders his friends body and starts walking away. “Wait! You must know more! What are you not telling me?” Ser Reginald says to the man as he walks away (Insight DC = 15. Roll = 15). The man turns his head around and looks at the little gnome exasperated and worried. “Master sent us to collect your winnings.. and the deed to that shack. Something there the Master wants.. Best for you to not go back there. It will be watched.” says the robed man as he walks away carrying his friend. Ser Reginald heads back to town away from the fight, from the confusion of the mans words. “Who was this master?” he thought. As he passes by the farm that is the closest to the forest, an small bolt flies out of a window and sinks into his shoulder (roll 15 +3). Dealing 5 damage. He sees the source. A man in the window holding a crossbow, smiling about the clean hit. “

Roll Initiative
Bandit = 14
Ser Reginald III = 5

The bandit readies another bolt and fires at the little gnome (roll 14 + 3). It hits him in the chest dealing another 5 damage. Ser Reginald runs and ducks behind a bush across the road. He then points his hand above the bush. 3 white lights streak from his hand and strike the bandit right in the face. The bandit takes 10 damage and staggers back.

He loads another bolt and fires at the bush hoping for a hit. (Disadvantage 14 and 7. Roll 7 + 3) The bolt hits the ground short of the bush. Ser Reginald decides to heal up for the turn (spent 1d6 HD; back up to 7 hit points).

The bandit leans out of the window to fire his another bolt at the bush (Disadvantage 2 and 3. Roll 3 + 3). The pain in going through the man makes his arm jerk when firing. The bolt barely makes it across the road this time. Ser Reginald renewed, stands up and shoots that cold beam at the man (roll 13 + 6). The beam hits the man hanging out of the window and sends him flying into the farm house, taking 5 damage.

“Ser Reginald looks around. He doesn’t hear or see anyone else. He decides to look into the shack. He walks in and sees that the family at the farm had been killed by the sword there by the window. In the middle of the floor laid the bandit, big area of frost and snow still on his chest. He looked around the shack and saw nothing else out of place (Perception DC = 15. Roll 7 + 1). He tries to see if there is anything in the bandits pockets or armor and finds nothing there as well (Perception DC = 15. Roll 3 + 1). He grabs the small desk by the window and props it up against the shutters to keep them shut. He then shoves a table in front of the door making sure no one walks in on him. He goes into a small room on the side of the house, away from the window and door and sees a bed. He falls on the bed exhausted from the fights. Thoughts flooded his mind about the fights. How the first man surrendered and carried his friend off. About this “Master”. Who may this Master be? Why would he want me or my shack? What is in there? Or was in there? All of these thoughts and more flooded his head as he finally passed out on the bed asleep. “

Play-Through Party Preparation: The Wizard

female wizard

For the play-through this week we are going to be looking at the wizard. These are the strongest magic users in the game. Wizards strive to increase their knowledge and spells. They can learn spells from tomes, experimenting, and from other wizards. Instead of telling some history of wizards let’s just delve into how awesome they are!

The Class Stats

Wizards are the only class who rely on their intelligence for their spells. So this will be their strongest ability score. Wizards will not be wearing armor unless you play as a dwarf, so make sure you get your dexterity pretty high as well. Constitution is another good stat since you will have very few hit points with wizards.


  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per wizard level
  • Hit Points: 6 + constitution modifier
  • Level Up Hit Points: 1d6 (or 4) + constitution modifier


dark wizard
As mentioned above, wizards do not get armor. On top of that they have a very limited selection of spells to pick from. They can use daggers, darts, slings, quaterstaffs, and light crossbows. Their saving throws are intelligence and wisdom. They get to choose two skills from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion.


Wizards are learned magic users who rely on intelligence to cast spells. They are not like Harry Potter who wakes up and is able to suddenly cast spells. Wizards must learn their spells. Because they are students they keep “notes” of their studies. This is called your spellbook. Your spellbook alone has a lot of information into how to handle it. There is a time and cost to copy a spell you find in game to your spell book. The spellbook starts with 6 1st-level spells of your choice.

You will start with 3 cantrips. As for full spells, wizards must prepare spells for use. So you start with your spellbook that has your spells in it. A wizard must then prepare spells. To prepare spells from the spellbook you choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + your wizard level. Once you prepare your spells you are able to use those prepared spells with your spell slots like the rest of the classes. All spell slots and come back at the end of a long rest.

They also have ritual casting and the ability to use a spellcasting focus. When leveling up you get to add two spells to your spellbook for free.

Arcane Recovery

Once a day after finishing a short rest, you can gain some of your spell slots back. The spell slots gained this way are equal to half your level wizard, rounded up.

Arcane Tradition

Like all other classes, wizards have different paths to take. Wizards are the most over the top class, so they get EIGHT paths to choose from. Each path is a different school of magic. Instead of delving into that great amount of information that is on each path, I am just going to summarize the type of spells that are used in that school. Each school at level 2 gives you the ability to copy spells of that school to your spellbook at half the cost and time.

  • Abjuration. These spells are normally protective. However, some of the spells do have aggressive, harmful uses.
  • Conjuration. Spells in this school are used to transport objects and creatures from one place to another. Some even create objects from thin air.
  • Divination. These spells reveal information about things. The information can come in a large variety of forms.
  • Enchantment. These spells target the minds of others.
  • Evocation spells manipulate energy to cause the desired magical effect, like your standard fireball spell.
  • Illusion. These spells deceive others. Such as seeing what is not there, hearing sounds you create, and even planting images into the mind of the enemy.
  • Necromancy spells manipulate the energy of life and death. You can gain extra hit points, drain hit points from foes, you can even summon the undead to your side to aid you in all of your endeavors.
  • Transmutation. These spells change something about a creature, environment, or object. They can enchant weapons, bolster allies, turn enemies into smaller creatures, and even increase your healing ability.

After picking your school of magic you will follow you will begin to get benefits when using that type of spells. You can still use other spells. The ones from your school will just give added benefits.


As for backgrounds, I think guild artisan, noble, and of course sage are going to be the normal ones that will be chosen. These backgrounds will provide the wizard with some decent benefits, with the sage being the best one.


Gnomes are going to be your best bet with a good stat based wizard character since they get +2 intelligence. Of course for stat based characters high elves, tieflings, and humans will also be good bets. If you are worried about being a squishy character, you can make a dwarf wizard, which would give your wizard the ability to use light and medium armor.

As for the one we will use this weekend, I originally had a high-elf noble in mind. Noble so I could make him a pompous jerk. However, now I am up in the air with the dwarf wizard… Maybe even a dwarf necromancer?

Good gaming and God bless!

Just Me Being Racist… Dragonborn!!!

Hello patrons!! It has been awhile compared to the last few weeks. I am dying to sit down and play some DnD this weekend!

This week we are going to look at dragonborn. Dragonborn, are you guessed it, a combination of dragons and humanoid creatures. The first dragonborn had scales closely resembling those of the full dragons, but over the years the colors have died down because of breeding. The majority of dragonborn have scale colors that are usually brass or bronze. Some dragonborn have an extra strong vein of blood in them from a particular type of dragon, giving them the appearance of the full dragons.

Dragonborn live for the clan. Their own live, whoever they worship, come after the clan. They are honor bound in this to the point that bringing dishonor to the clan leads to exile. Dragonborn tend to spend their life mastering a particular skill. Any other person who follows this goal can more easily earn the respect of the dragonborn.

Traits and Bonuses

Dragonborn get +2 strength and +1 charisma. They have the standard speed of 30 feet. They, like dragons, are built strong. They tend to be taller and heavier than humans and usually live to be around 80.
dragonborns fighting one another

Draconic Ancestry

This shows from which type of dragon the dragonborn descended from.

dragonborn spearman

Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapons (Save)
Black Acid 5 by 30ft. line (dex)
Blue Lightning 5 by 30ft. line (dex)
Brass Fire 5 by 30ft. line (dex)
Bronze Lightning 5 by 30ft. line (dex)
Copper Acid 5 by 30ft. line (dex)
Green Poison 15ft. cone (con)
Red Fire 15ft. cone (dex)
Silver Cold 15ft. cone (con)
White Cold 15ft. cone (con)

Breath Weapons

When you pick one of the colors above, you also are picking what your breath weapon does (damage type and shape of blast). To use your breath weapon, you will use one action exhale your “style” of breath at your opponents. Each creature in the area of your breath must make a saving throw (determined by the color as well). The DC for the saving throw equals 8 + your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Upon your enemy failing their save you deal 2d6 damage and half damage on an successful save.

Damage Resistance

Another benefit from your Draconic Ancestry comes in the form of resistance. You gain resistance to damage from your corresponding damage type (i.e. fire, cold, etc.).


Dragonborn are able to speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Draconic is believed to be one of the oldest languages and is used frequently in the study of magic; so this is a good language to have as a magic user

Good Race/Class Combinations

Dragonborn get +2 strength so they will make a good race for any class seeing as everyone needs to be able to hit their enemy and strength is how you are gonna use those melee weapons. Barbarian, Fighter, Cleric, Monk, Paladin, Warlock, and even Druid could benefit well from this race. Again like last week, there is not really a weird thing this race can do really.

My Opinion

Dragonborns are the coolest looking race to pick from (without playing a monster character). They look as badass as a dragon and get to breath fire (or whatever element you chose). Because of their honor bound nature I put them up there with dwarves in terms of attitude. They are able to respect other races, but only if they are hard working.