Just Me Being Racist…. Tieflings

I say to you my patrons.. I cannot stand these people.. They come into my tavern, deceiving my patrons, intimidating folk with their vile, infernal looks.. yes my friends.. I am speaking of Tieflings.


Tieflings, unlike our other races we have seen so far, are unique to Dungeons and Dragons.
Tiefling Warlock
The Tieflings actually are a race that is on the receiving end of quite a bit of racism in Dungeons and Dragons. They are often stared at as freaks, talked about behind their backs, insulted and are the subject of physical hate crimes. This is because long ago their race made a pact with the devil. Because of this one pact long ago, the Tieflings are hated and reviled everywhere they go. As a constant reminder of their pact long ago, they have an infernal look to them. They have horns, a thick tail, fangs, and eyes with solid colors only, no pupil.

Because of this they live in small groups in human towns, usually in the worst parts of town. They grow up to be some kind of deviant in these areas. Tieflings are the last to trust others, but once you prove your worthiness, their trust is rock solid.
tie fling girl poem

Traits and Bonuses

Tie flings get a +1 to their Intelligence and a +2 to their Charisma. They have a land speed of 30 and are about the same size as humans. Many of the Tieflings lean towards evil because of the ways they are treated by the other races. They also have Darkvision, allowing them to see in dim light like normal and dark as if it were dim light. Because of their Infernal heritage they also have resistance to fire damage. Tieflings are fluent in Common and Infernal.

Infernal Legacy

Because of your heritage, you have access to certain spells. You have thaumaturgy as a cantrip. At level 3 you can cast hellish rebuke, once a day as a 2nd level spell. At level 5 you can cast the darkness spell once a day as well. You will use Charisma for these spells.

Good Race/Class Combinations

Seeing as they get a +2 in Charisma Tieflings could make good Bards, Sorcerers,Paladins, and Warlocks. I have also seen them as pretty successful rogues because of their bonuses to deception and the like. I could see them being good Wizards as well.

My Opinion

Of course, you should all know by now that any race will work for anything for me, because I am open to the fun possibilities of them. They may not be statistically awesome, but they are fun to role-play. On the topics of Tieflings, I feel bad for them. I actually enjoy them because they are the hated race of the game. They might as well be called monsters (technically they are called monsters… and worse at times). I think they are great at spell caster classes, because lets face it, having a tail(if your DM is cool) hold your wand and cast spells while you use a bow and arrow with your hands is pretty freaking awesome.
I do have a nugget of food for thought for my patrons… If the Tieflings are hated by everyone.. Then why do they get +2 Charisma? Perhaps because they have that magical infernal legacy. Anyways.. Have a good Friday, God Bless and Happy Gaming! See you all here for our Play-Through Party on Sunday!

3 thoughts on “Just Me Being Racist…. Tieflings

    1. I see your point but, the difference there is this. Tieflings are hated by everyone. However, Hitler, although he did some very bad things to tons of people, was indeed like by his country men. Stalin might be a better example here. 😉 New D&D race the Hitler. +5 Charisma, -10 artistic ability, Required Lawful Evil


      1. Rheios

        SUPER Necro here: Charisma isn’t a representation of how much people like you. Its a representation of your effect on them. Anyone can have a good Charisma if people just *know* he’s in charge when walks into a room. Its the weird social force some people have. The force of self pressed down upon others. People may hate the guy up there on the podium, like they hated Stalin or Hitler, but when they spoke? You listened even if it was like watching a dread promise. Meanwhile low Charisma is the wallflower, or the guy who makes a comment and his friends just blow it off unless he really nags them about it. Its not that they’re not smart or wise or strong (they can even be physically intimidating normally), just that something about them doesn’t command respect, attention, or interest.


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