Play- Through Party Preparation: The Bard

This week in our Play-Through Party we are going to be featuring, my #1 favorite class, the Bard! Throughout my entire life playing Dungeons and Dragons the Bard has been my favorite class. They are decent in combat, they get spells, they are good at just about everything. In fact, they are the jack of all trades class in Dungeons and Dragons.

In Dungeons and Dragons Lore, Bards are those trained in the musical talents that have discovered that their words and chords carry weight. They are the ones inspiring the group, raising them up out of gloom and despair. They are the ones that literally drive the foes mad.

The Class Stats

Charisma is going to be your main ability. Dexterity is a great second. Wisdom and Int is where I would recommend the other highest points, if you are concerned with stats and all that.

Hit Points

Hit Die: 1d8 per bard level
Hit Points: 8 + Con modifier
Level Up Hit Points: 1d8(or 5) + Con modifier


Bards wear light armor, are able to use all simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords. They are able to pick which 3 musical instruments they are good with. And they get to pick any three skills they want to be proficient in. Their saving throws are Dexterity and Charisma.


Their spell casting ability is Charisma. They get their own list of spells they have to use. They get ritual casting and they have they ability to use their musical instruments as a spell casting focus.
They have my favorite Cantrip in the entire game, Vicious Mockery. It does not do massive damage like a wizard cantrip, but you are literally damaging your foes by insulting them. I mean come on! “Your mother gets on her knees for dwarves!” says the Dwarven Bard to the elf.

Bardic Inspiration

The bard can inspire others through their words and music. The bard can use Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action to give a d6 Inspiration die to one creature other than themselves in 60 feet. Within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add that number to an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. The creature can wait until after the initial roll, but must be used before the DM says whether it hits or not.
This can be used a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.


Now, the obvious choice for the background is going to be the Entertainer. However, do what ever you like for the background. I would suggest saving to pick your 3 skills that you are proficient in until you choose your background so you can make sure they do not overlap on the same skill.
Other backgrounds I find useful (stat wise) for the Bard are the Charlatan, Criminal, and Urchin.


Half-elves and Tieflings get +2 to Charisma. They would make good bards. Humans of course get the +1 across the board so that is good. However, I have played Bards so much in my life, I do not like stat based characters anymore. I like weird, fun characters. So for the bard I will be using tomorrow, it will be a Half-Orc.

Keep an eye out tomorrow for our Play-Through Party featuring our Half-Orc Bard called Ogrush Story-Teller.

2 thoughts on “Play- Through Party Preparation: The Bard

  1. Pingback: Play-Through Party #3 | The Cliched Tavern

  2. Pingback: Play-Through Party Preparation: Bard and Rogue Touch Up | The Cliched Tavern

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